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Virtual Studio Code for Ruby on Rails Development

Introduction to Vscode (Visual Studio Code) Visual Studio Code i.e. Vscode is a modern and robust code editor developed by Microsoft. We can use it for setting up Ruby on Rails development environment. It combines the simplicity of code editor with powerful tools like IntelliSense, code completion, debugging and built-in Git support. One of the beauties of Vscode it's free and open source. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux with huge community support.  How to Install Vscode? Installation steps of Vscode are pretty simple, go to  Visual Studio  it will automatically detect the operating system you are using and provides a download link. After installation, you are ready to start customizing Vscode for Rails development. How do you set up Vscode for Rails? ·  Ruby extension: The first thing you have to install the ruby extension in Vscode. Press  f1 , type  ext install  then sea...
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How to send email without using any server side language with the help of node.js?

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