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Introduction of Docker Tools For Beginners

What is Docker?
Docker is the world's leading software container platform. Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to deploy and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package.

Where does Docker operate?
  1. Design
  2. Development
  3. Deployment
  4. Testing/Release
Docker makes the process of application deployment very easy and efficient and resolves a lot of issues related to deploying applications.
  • Build application only once:
An application inside a container can run on any system that has Docker installed. So there is no need to build and configure application multiple times on different platform.
  • More Sleep and Less Worry
With Docker you test your application inside a container and ship it inside a container. This means the environment in which you test is identical to the one on which the application will run in production.
  • Portability
Docker containers can run on any platform. It can run on your local system, Amazon ec2, Google Cloud platform, Rackspace server, Virtual box... etc.
  • Version Control
Like Git, Docker has in-built version control system.
Docker container work just like GIT repositories, allowing you to commit changes to your Docker images and version control them.
  • Isolation
With Docker, every application works in isolation in its own container and does not interferes with other applications running on the same system. So multiple containers can run on same system without interferes. For removal also you can simply delete the container and it will not leave behind any files or traces on the system.
  • Productivity
Docker allows faster and more efficient deployments without worrying about running your application on different platform.
How to Install Docker in Linux?
  1. Connect to Linux Connect with AWS or other
  2. Install Docker sudo yum -y update sudo yum install -y docker
  3. Start Docket sudo service docker start sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user(This is optional)
  4. Stop Docker sudo service docker stop
For more information-> go to


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