JWT is a Json Web Token,It is a standard and has been implemented in
almost all popular programming languages. Hence, they can be easily used
or exchanged in systems implemented in diverse platforms.
JWT has libraries for almost all platforms and Ruby is no exception.
Now we will see how JWT is used in Rails:
We will create a simple Rails application which uses the excellent Devise gem for authentication and the jwt gem for creating and verifying JWT tokens.
Let’s create a sample Rails application :
Create home_controller.rb in the app/controllers
Now let’s create the Devise configuration files:
For that we have will have to create the Devise User model and migrate the database:
In app/controllers/application_controller.rb:
Now we have to update our routes.rb to add the authentication endpoint.
JWT has libraries for almost all platforms and Ruby is no exception.
Now we will see how JWT is used in Rails:
We will create a simple Rails application which uses the excellent Devise gem for authentication and the jwt gem for creating and verifying JWT tokens.
Let’s create a sample Rails application :
rails new rails_on_jwtOnce the application is generated, create a Home controller which we will use to check our authentication.
Create home_controller.rb in the app/controllers
classHomeController ApplicationController def index end endWrite the route for HomeController to /home in config/routes.rb:
Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'home' => 'home#index' endNow, add Devise to our application. First, we will add the Devise and jwt gems in our Gemfile.
gem 'devise' gem 'jwt'Then run a command “bundle install” on terminal.
Now let’s create the Devise configuration files:
For that we have will have to create the Devise User model and migrate the database:
rails g devise User rakedb:migrateCreated User Model use for authentication.now It’s time to integrate jwt into our application. First, we will create a class named JsonWebToken in lib/json_web_token.rb.This class will encapsulate the JWT token encoding and decoding logic.
classJsonWebToken defself.encode(payload) JWT.encode(payload, Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base) end defself.decode(token) returnHashWithIndifferentAccess.new(JWT.decode(token, Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base)[0]) rescue nil end endWe have to create an initializer for including the JsonWebToken class in config/initializers/jwt.rb.
require 'json_web_token'We have to add some helper method in ApplicationController class which we will use in AuthenticationController class:
In app/controllers/application_controller.rb:
classApplicationController <ActionController::Base attr_reader :current_user protected defauthenticate_request! unlessuser_id_in_token? renderjson: { errors: ['Not Authenticated'] }, status: :unauthorized return end @current_user = User.find(auth_token[:user_id]) rescue JWT::VerificationError, JWT::DecodeError renderjson: { errors: ['Not Authenticated'] }, status: :unauthorized end private defhttp_token @http_token ||= if request.headers['Authorization'].present? request.headers['Authorization'].split(' ').last end end defauth_token @auth_token ||= JsonWebToken.decode(http_token) end defuser_id_in_token? http_token&&auth_token&&auth_token[:user_id].to_i end endWe have added a few helper methods like authenticate_request!which will act as a before_filter to check user credentials and we have created AuthenticationController to handle all authentication requests to the API. In app/controllers/authentication_controller.rb:
classAuthenticationController<ApplicationController defauthenticate_user user = User.find_for_database_authentication(email: params[:email]) ifuser.valid_password?(params[:password]) renderjson: payload(user) else renderjson: {errors: ['Invalid Username/Password']}, status: :unauthorized end end private def payload(user) return nil unless user and user.id { auth_token: JsonWebToken.encode({user_id: user.id}), user: {id: user.id, email: user.email} } end endHere we have added AuthenticationController to implement the authentication endpoint. It uses Devise to authenticate the user and issue a JWT if the credentials are valid.
Now we have to update our routes.rb to add the authentication endpoint.
Rails.application.routes.draw do post 'auth_user' => 'authentication#authenticate_user' get 'home' => 'home#index' endAlso, we have to modify the HomeController to secure it using a before_filter and add a meaningful response in case of successful authentication:
classHomeController<ApplicationController before_filter :authenticate_request! def index renderjson: {'logged_in' => true} end endNow, create a sample user to test the authentication by using rails console or by Using Seed command:Start the server and check out how JWT authentication works:
rails s
Source: http://www.cryptextechnologies.com/blogs/using-jwt-in-rails
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